Entertaining & Economical Excursions: The Instituto Cultural (Hospicio) Cabañas and the José Clemente Orozco Murals
Fabien Dany – www.fabiendany.com. By Fabienkhan (personal picture) [CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons
But first, some history. Knowing just a little bit about a historical site helps one appreciate it all the more, we find. The Instituto Cultural Cabañas, better known as the Hospicio Cabañas, was founded as a refuge and place of learning for orphans, invalids, and the elderly, by then acting bishop Juan Cruz Ruiz de Cabañas y Crespo. Construction began in 1805 and terminated in 1845. While its mission was interrupted twice by war, first by Mexico’s War of Independence in 1810 when it was co-opted for use as a military barracks and then 100 years later by the Mexican Revolution when it became an asylum for political refugees in 1910, it served its original purpose until 1980 when its inhabitants were moved to new locations and it finally closed its doors.
1937 saw the invitation of José Clemente Orozco to Guadalajara by the government of Jalisco to paint the chapel of the Hospicio Cabañas. Through early 1939, Orozco painted some 53 murals on the inner walls, vaulted ceiling, and dome of the building, portraying key historical moments including the clash of indigenous peoples and the Spanish and the founding of Guadalajara, as well as harsh interpretations of modern life. His most widely recognized piece here is “Hombre en Llamas”, painted in the cupola itself.

By El Ágora (Own work) [GFDL or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons
After that, you can walk due east through the various plazas toward the Cathedral of Guadalajara in Paseo Hospicio which becomes Calle de Morelos, enjoying the sights along the way, or head one block due east to the giant fountain in Plaza Tapatía and then one block due south down the stairs to get to the massive San Juan de Dios market for a bite to eat and some shopping. The Plaza de los Mariachis is right next door as well. Just use common sense and watch your valuables while in the area, especially in and around the market.
To get to the Hospicio Cabañas, order a taxi or an Uber or catch the 400 or the 500 public bus going east in Avenida Hidalgo. Once you cross Calzada Independencia Sur, Avenida Hidalgo will become Calle República. Continue one or two more blocks east and you’ll arrive at your destination.